Montag, 13. Januar 2014

☆ 30 Days J-Rock Challenge - Day 10 ☆

Hello (^.^)v
and welcome back to the 10th day of
30 Days J-Rock Challenge!

the task for today is:

How you first got into J-Rock

 that's a funny story x3
Years ago I visited a german website for anime and mangs fans to read fan made manga. I filtered the results for a certain genre and decided by the cover picture which one I wanted to read. So I decided for this one manga, because I thought the characters were cute and lovely drawn.. while reading I found out that the manga also was listed in the genre 'the GazettE'. I absolutely did not know what it ment and what 'gazette' was... so I googled for it...
and found pictures of the band x3
'OMG they look so awesome *-*' I thought and saved all the pictures.
Basically that's were I started being a fan of them, even without listening to a single song...
And then I opened youtube, tiped in the band and clicked on a song.
after not even ten seconds I thought 'wow what a fantastic song *-* they're amazing ♥'
I listened to a few more songs and was so enthusiastic
I finally found what I was searching for so long.. all the years before I listened to 70s music etc., because I hated the kind of music that was played in the radio.. it felt like I was born in the wrong decade and than I found this band and this style of music and fell in love with it within mere seconds and it was even more 
awesome than every music style I ever heard before.
It really felt like I found what I was searching for so long ♥

that's my story how I first got into J-Rock
and I am so happy and thankful I found this style of music.
I also changed my outward appearance and for the first time in my life I welt good and comfortable with the way I looked.
All the years before people stared at me when I was in public and I absolutely didn't know why. I was a normal dressed girl with my natural hair colour, jeans and basic shirts, but everybody stared at my as if I was something strange...
then I changed my style of dressing because of this music
I thought 'if they stare at me anyway, give them a reason to do so'
and it was the best decision in my life ^.^
I found many friends because of this music and had so much 
great times and enjoyable moments ^.^
I am just so happy I read this manga back then x3
actually I wanted to post the link to it here,
but sadly it was deleted q.q

thank you for reading all this and see you tomorrow (^.^)v

4 Kommentare:

  1. Eine J-Rock Challenge... das könnte ich mir auch vorstellen zu machen, wenns okay ist ^^"
    btw. Dein Blog ist richtig niedlich *stalk* ^^

    1. vielen dank -^.^-
      gerne, mach auch eine x3 ich würd gern welche von anderen leuten lesen ^.^

  2. Ich finds grad irgendwie total süß, dass du GazettE googeln musstest. XD
    Ich "kenne" die band schon seit ich 15 bin, und das ist jetzt ... ufffah... o.o 8 Jahre her ... *in einer Ecke verkriech und wein* Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen ein Bandshirt von denen auf Ebay verkauft. Schweren Herzens.. vor sieben jahren auf nem konzert gekauft aber ich zogs eh nicht mehr an weil zu klein und ich brauchte das Geld. T___T
    Ich sollte mir auch nochmal die alten Schinken anhören... Filth In The Beauty war eins meiner absoluten Lieblingssongs. <333

    Ganz liebe Grüße
    die Caddü :3

  3. PS. Ich war und bin immernoch ganz verliebt in Aoi. <33 :D Aber da müsste ICH erstmal googeln, wie der heute aussieht... xD
