Hey guys (^.^)v
I'm happy to see you back ♥
In this entry I want to show you some photos of my last weekends.
They really were much fun for me ^.^
On the last weekend in May my friend Haru visited us ♥
She grew up in the same city I live,
but a few years ago she moved away to live near Düsseldorf.
But this time she visited us and decided to spent her birthday with us ^.^
So we met Nekoko and some other friends and went to the cinema
to watch Maleficent:
The movie tells the story of the dark fairy from the fairytale
Dornröschen (the sleeping beauty).
I don't want to tell that much about the movie here,
maybe some of you still want to watch it ^.^
But it is a really amazing movie with another ending than the
original fairytale.
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Neko, Haru and me |
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Popcorn in the dark x3 |
Later that weekend we also visited our local BoboQ store together ♥
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feat. Haru's new phone case |
The next day my mom and I went to ride a pedal boat in our town.
We celebrated her belated birthday since I couldn't be with her that day
and our pedal boat looked like a ... Flamingo!
It was really fun to ride a flamingo boat ^.^
The day after this my dad and I visited our local zoo:
It was really fun and not only I could pet deers and pot-bellied pigs,
but also a kangaroo ^.^ (of which I sadly don't have a photo q.q)
The next weekend my boyfriend and I visited his father for his birthday.
Actually we wanted to make a barbeque in the garden, but just after we arrived
it started to rain havily and we decided to do the barbeque on the balcony x3
A good decision, because later there was a thunderstorm with hail, too o.o
This was my outfit for the day:
In the living room of my boyfriend's father's house also was a big plush dog ^.^
As I love plushies and dogs, I had to take a photo with it ♥
And finally, last friday I visited the designer outlet in Wolfsburg.
Actually I never found anything interessting there, but now
I heard that a claire's shop has opened there *-*
And you get 30% off on everything x3
and here is what I purchased:
Love the cow purse so much ♥_♥
Maybe you know that cows (along bats) are my favourite animal
and I've seen the purse often in our local claire's store and always
considered buying it, but then I always thought 'well, it's just for coins
so it's of little use for you...' But I'm happy I finally bought it *-*
And speaking of cows...
there also was a closed kindergarden in the designer outlet
with animal stickers outside:
and this was my outfit for designer outlet:
All in all I had really fun weekends lately ^.^
That's all for now ^.^
Thank you for reading and hope to see you again ♥
So many cute outfits~ glad you had a fun time!
AntwortenLöschenthank you dear -^.^- ♥
LöschenDas Outlet wäre mein Untergang XD Sher süße Outfits mal wieder^^
AntwortenLöschenIch geh mal von aus dass wir uns Freitag in HH beim Walk sehen?
LG,, Ruha
haha xD dankeschön ^-^
Löschenjaa *-* freut mich, dass du auch dort bist ^.^
Super! Und ich meine natürlich Samstag, nicht Freitag *Hirn putt*
AntwortenLöschenhabe gesehen, dass du dir meinen Blog angeschaut hast.
Wie findest du ihn denn ??
LG Sabrina :)*
Hallöchen Ari :3
AntwortenLöschenVielen lieben Dank fuer Deinen Kommentar, welcher mich immer wieder ein bisschen aufbaut, wenn meine Depressionen wieder anklopfen.
Ich hab echt Angst, danach schutzlos einer Macht ausgeliefert zu sein .-.
Darf ich fragen, ob Du Deinen Weg schon gefunden hast (Studium, Ausbildung, Nebenjob) ?
Deine outfits liebe ich *_* So schön bunt und viele Prints <3
Ist es eine Leggings oder eine Strumpfhose bei Deinem letzteren Look?
Deinen Kuhtick finde ich klasse. In dieses Tier war ich vernarrt, als ich Harvest Moon suchtete und immer neue Kuehe kaufte *^*
Liebe Grüße,
Yume ヽ(´・ω・`)
vielen dank yume ^-^
Löschendas beim letzten outfit ist eine leggins, hab ich mal von acdc rag bestellt *-*
den rest beantworte ich auf deinem blog ♥
Maleficent möchte ich auch noch sehen. :3
AntwortenLöschenUnd ich würde auch gerne mal wieder Tretboot fahren. *_*
Süße Outfits!
vielen dank ^-^
Löschentu das, der film ist echt toll *-*
super blog :)
AntwortenLöschenwürde mich rießig über feedback freuen von profis