Hey guys (^-^)v
I hope you are all fine ^.^
Last weekend was really amazing, because I attended the first
Harajuku Fashion Walk in Hamburg ♥
The event was organized by the cute Feli-chan.
We already had some similar events in Germany, like in Düsseldorf
or Leipzig, but this was the first in the north of the country ^.^
(And the closest from my hometown, but nevertheless we
had to travel three hours by train..)
I choose to wear a 'pastel goth' outfit for the first time ^-^
I got myself a new wig for this outfit and will probably
do a review in one of the next posts ^-^
Tell me if you're interesseted ♥
My mom and my friend Eiri joined me again and we took
the train at nine in the morning to be in Hamburg in time.
When we arrived at the station I luckily still had enough time
to "do" my nails (=to clip on my preglued nails x'D)
At 1 p.m. we all met at the station and then walked our way through the city.
But before we took the first group photo of the day ♥
We walked down a well-known shopping street in Hamburg
and also visited some close by stores (like colours and claire's)
Then we took the train to visit the newly opened 'J-Store' ♥
And took another group photo (^-^)v
The store is really great ^-^
They had such a cool pair of tights, but sadly they
were to expensive for me at the moment...
And here are some more random pictures of the day x3
The first is a photo of my 'hair' I took in the train.
Wearing a bow by MeltyWish ♥
I like the wig, it feels comfortable while wearing ^-^
Next is a pic of Eiri and me:
And the perspective from outside x'D
Yeah, with my cool gameboy-phone-cover x3
And a picture I took at the metro station
while waiting for the train to J-Store to arrive ^.^
Of course I also took some photos with nice and lovely people ♥
with Eiri again:
with Ruha and Meto-Teddy:
and with Feli ♥
she also tried one of my selfmade onigiri *happy*
Eiri when I told him 'look like you're having fun' x'D
And Feli again how we saw her most of the day x3
(but I somehow really like this picture *-*)
The day was a lot of fun ^.^
Thanks to everyone who has been there ♥
And this time there even is a video (made by Feli)
I hope there will be more events like this in Hamburg ♥
It was a really great day ^.^
Thank you for reading (^.^)v
We already had some similar events in Germany, like in Düsseldorf
or Leipzig, but this was the first in the north of the country ^.^
(And the closest from my hometown, but nevertheless we
had to travel three hours by train..)
I choose to wear a 'pastel goth' outfit for the first time ^-^
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sorry, to lazy to cover my messy room this time x3 |
I got myself a new wig for this outfit and will probably
do a review in one of the next posts ^-^
Tell me if you're interesseted ♥
My mom and my friend Eiri joined me again and we took
the train at nine in the morning to be in Hamburg in time.
When we arrived at the station I luckily still had enough time
to "do" my nails (=to clip on my preglued nails x'D)
At 1 p.m. we all met at the station and then walked our way through the city.
But before we took the first group photo of the day ♥
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by Jacky Holtermann |
and also visited some close by stores (like colours and claire's)
Then we took the train to visit the newly opened 'J-Store' ♥
And took another group photo (^-^)v
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picture taken from the J-Store facebook-page |
They had such a cool pair of tights, but sadly they
were to expensive for me at the moment...
And here are some more random pictures of the day x3
The first is a photo of my 'hair' I took in the train.
Wearing a bow by MeltyWish ♥
I like the wig, it feels comfortable while wearing ^-^
Next is a pic of Eiri and me:
And the perspective from outside x'D
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by Jacky Holtermann |
And a picture I took at the metro station
while waiting for the train to J-Store to arrive ^.^
Of course I also took some photos with nice and lovely people ♥
with Eiri again:
![]() |
cool outfit of his isn't it? |
and with Feli ♥
she also tried one of my selfmade onigiri *happy*
Eiri when I told him 'look like you're having fun' x'D
And Feli again how we saw her most of the day x3
(but I somehow really like this picture *-*)
The day was a lot of fun ^.^
Thanks to everyone who has been there ♥
And this time there even is a video (made by Feli)
I hope there will be more events like this in Hamburg ♥
It was a really great day ^.^
Thank you for reading (^.^)v
Wie toll, dass es in Hamburg auch einen Harajuku fashion walk gegeben hat. *_* Ich mag dein Outfit auch echt total gerne. ♥
AntwortenLöschenUnd jetzt sag nicht, dass der J-store in Hamburg auch einen Purikura-Automaten hat!?
vielen dank ^-^ ♥
Löschenleider gibt es dort noch keinen puri-automaten, aber der soll noch folgen x3
This is absolutely cute idea! Now I really want to see that kind of event in here, Finland. I don't know if somebody has already organized it, in bigger towns. But I want to see it and maybe take part to it... : 3
AntwortenLöschendo so ^-^ if nobody has done it by now, you can organize it yourself ^.^ Feli also did it on her own x3
LöschenSchön, dass so viele zahlreich erschienen sind <3
AntwortenLöschenDer fashion Walk in Leipzig hingegen läuft eher schleppend und im Herbst ist einer in Frankfurt, wo ich sein werde (endlich mal etwas in meiner Nähe ).
Hut ab, dass Du die drei Stunden Zugfahrt in kauf genommen hast :3
Andere würden das nur für ein Konzert oder so tun.
Pastel goth steht Dir wirklich gut, aber dennoch dominiert mehr das süße bei Dir :3
Ich habe manche gesehen, die wirklich creepy und zum Teil frech aussehen in ihrem Pastel Goth Look :>
Mich freut es auch, dass viele beim Walk VK trugen und wirklich gut aussahen (nicht nach dem Motto:" gewollt, aber nicht gekonnt").
Was hat Deine Mutter in der Zeit alles gemacht xD?
Finds wieder großartig, dass sie mitkam.
Allerliebsten Gruß,
Yume <3
dankeschön ^-^
Löschenes war wirklich ein schöner walk und alle sahen so toll aus *-*
hoffentlich wird der walk in frankfurt auch so gut ^.^
meine mama ist mit uns rumgelaufen, hat sich aber immer vor der kamera gedrückt x'D
liebste grüße ♥
*rumneid* Wohaaahhh ihr seht alle so mega gut aus. ich bin voll neidisch! Ich würde auch gern mal auf so einen HFW gehen, aber hier in der Umgebung gibt es leider keinen. Der nächste wäre wohl D-dorf, aber da fahre ich locker 6 Stunden. T___T
AntwortenLöschenvielen dank *-*
Löschenschade dass die walks so weit weg von dir sind o.o
nach düsseldorf haben wir damals auch fünf stunden gebraucht x'D
Sehr schöne Bilder *_* ihr saht alle toll aus!