Hey guys (^.^)v
From the money I got at christmas and at my birthday
I decided to buy myself a Nintendo 3ds *-*
The one I bought is the XL version in pink ♥
I so much wanted to play the new Pokémon edition, too.
The last edition I played was Pokémon Emerald and that was
a pretty long time ago...
While roaming through an Electronic Market I also saw many nice games
for the 3ds I think I will also buy one after another ^.^
The next one I want to buy will be Nintendogs ♥
Since I can't have a real dog as pet,
I will try an electronic one x3
Since my mum promised to give me Pokémon X as a birthday present,
I decided to buy the 3ds with another game I like very much:
Until then I just played a demo version of it,
where you can just do about 10 levels I think...
so the full version is much more fun ^.^
but I still couldn't beat the final boss q.q
here you can see my boyfriend playing it ^.^
And then I finally got Pokémon X *-*
It is so much fun to play a pokémon game again ^.^
This is my team at the moment:
It's a little bit blurry, since the pokémon were jumping
all the time while I was trying to make the photox3
but I think you can still see it ^.^
I fight with Venusaur, Lucario, Pyroar,
Aurorus, Salamence and Chesnaught.
I also made to catch the legendary pokémon of the edition:
Xerneas ♥ (which you can see on the cover, too)
and it was nearly ridiculously easy x'D
I catched it with just the second Quick Ball o.o
after buying dozens of Ultra Balls in beforehand...
but I'm still happy I cought it ^.^
I don't know what it was like in older editions,
but in X/Y you can make photo at some certain places ^.^
I really like this, it makes nice memories.
Here are some of the photos I made:
And you can't just make photos in-game,
but also with a photo application ^.^
And you can decorate them afterwards ^.^

What about you? Do you also like to play Pokémon? ^.^
Thank you for reading
and see you next time (^.^)v
so the full version is much more fun ^.^
but I still couldn't beat the final boss q.q
here you can see my boyfriend playing it ^.^
And then I finally got Pokémon X *-*
It is so much fun to play a pokémon game again ^.^
This is my team at the moment:
It's a little bit blurry, since the pokémon were jumping
all the time while I was trying to make the photox3
but I think you can still see it ^.^
I fight with Venusaur, Lucario, Pyroar,
Aurorus, Salamence and Chesnaught.
I also made to catch the legendary pokémon of the edition:
Xerneas ♥ (which you can see on the cover, too)
and it was nearly ridiculously easy x'D
I catched it with just the second Quick Ball o.o
after buying dozens of Ultra Balls in beforehand...
but I'm still happy I cought it ^.^
I don't know what it was like in older editions,
but in X/Y you can make photo at some certain places ^.^
I really like this, it makes nice memories.
Here are some of the photos I made:
Yes, I collected the item afterwards ^.^ it was a Max Potion |
And you can't just make photos in-game,
but also with a photo application ^.^
And you can decorate them afterwards ^.^
What about you? Do you also like to play Pokémon? ^.^
Thank you for reading
and see you next time (^.^)v
Wow, der sieht voll suess aus in Pink :D
AntwortenLöschenUnd die Grafik ist o toll *.*
Ich mag deinen Style. Sind sehr huebsche Bilder von dir ^.^
Lieben Gruss aus Japan,
Your 3ds is super cute, do you think you'll be decorating it at all in the future?
AntwortenLöschenI'd love to see you with Animal Crossing New leaf, I bet your town would be adorable!
Cute blog post!
thank you so much ^.^
Löscheni am thinking about getting a clear case and decorate it, but i'm not sure now.
maybe i will buy animal crossing, too. it sounds like fun ^.^
Dein 3DS in Pnk ist ja super cool *__* Ich hab einen in Schwar. *Q*
AntwortenLöschenPokemon X Will ich auch haben >___< Bisher hatte ich aber noch kein Geld. Die Grafik ist sooo toll. *_*
ja, der ist schon echt teuer.. ich hab auch mein ganzes geld ausgegeben q.q
Löschenaber meine verwandtschaft ist einfallslos, die schenken mir immer alle nur geld x3
Ah wie toll! Ich mag auch einen! QwQ
AntwortenLöschenIch liebe Pokemon und ich kann auch gar nicht ohne leben! :D Ich erinnere mich immer noch als ich die rote Edition, als sie damals noch neu war, bekommen hatte. Ich glaube das war auch mein Geburtstag. Mein Cousin war da und wir waren so begeistert, wir lieben Pokemon und haben seither immer zusammen gespielt und getauscht!
AntwortenLöschenMit X haben die Entwickler echt was geniales geleistet...ich dachte bei der Schwarzen Version schon, dass es nicht mehr besser ging, allein die Story wird immer umfangreicher! Aber X...wow. All die alten Pokemon, die Neuen und alles mittendrin! Ich liebe alles daran :D haha <3
ja, ich hatte damals auch zuerst die rote edition ^.^
Löschenes ist schon echt krass wie stark sich das alles gewandelt hat und so.. allein die grafik x3
aber ich mag x auch echt gerne ^.^ wie ist schwarz denn so? ich hab überlegt mir dass vllt auch noch mal zuzulegen ^.^
Aww~ ein 3Ds in Pink! *__*
AntwortenLöschenWenn ich nicht schon den 3DS im Zelda-Design hätte würde ich mir auch noch einen XL holen.. viel Freude noch!! =)
You look so pretty!