Donnerstag, 27. März 2014

LBM/MCC - Manga Comic Convention

Hey guys (^.^)v

I can't believe it ∑(O_O;) I'm writing this blog now
for just a little bit more than a year and I've got already
50 followers and nearly 5000 page views ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)?
I would never have expected so much positive feedback...
thanks to each and every one of you (♥ω♥ ) ~♪

now back to the topic x3 and I'm sorry I'm so late with this entry,
but I was quite busy and lazy the last weeks...
so the saturday before last I've visited the LBM (Leipzig Book Fair) or
Manga Comic Convention (MCC) as it's the new name x3
The last years the manga/comic-part of Leipzig Book Fair
always shared an exibition hall with the exhibitors 
who published books for children.
But this year it was different: the manga-part got an
exhibition hall on their own and so the organisers also
gave it the new name 'Manga Comic Convention'.

I went there with my mom, my boyfriend and my friend Rinny ^.^

my boyfriend always looks so grumpy in photos q.q

We had a lot of fun there, but I did not take many photos.
There were so many amazing cosplayers and other
gorgeously dressed people, but it was so terribly crowded q.q
 Also I felt the time flew by like nothing o.o
I thought we've just arrived when we already had to leave...

But now, here are the few photos I took ^.^
First we visited the booth of Liz who sold her wonderful
Melty Wish jewelry ♥
(you can scroll down to see what I bouth from her ^.^)

I love her jewelry so much and already own some pieces ^.^
Next I saw some awesome cosplayers *-*

Mejibray \(*-*)/

Ace and Brook ^.^
Mio from k-on

Remember the entry about me playing pokémon X?
Since I've won the league for the first time,
I changend my team and am now doing the journey again
with a team just consisting of Eevee evolutions ^.^  
so I was very happy to see some cosplayers
cosplaying my favourite versions of Eevee ^.^

Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon ♥
I even bought myself some plushies of Leafeon and Sylveon *-*

my mom had to support from the back so they don't fall over.

and here are the other things I bought:

a candy hairclip from Melty Wish, a lucky cat phone strap 
and a pair of handmade origami crane earrings ♥

Right after I purchased it, I attached the hairclip to my outfit ^.^

and last but not least:
the awesome stuff my mom purchased *-*

a deathnote mouse pad and a hide plushie! d(=^・ω・^=)b

ok, that's it for today ^.^
I think we made some pretty nice purchases x3
bye bye (^.^)v

13 Kommentare:

  1. WOAH *_* deine gets sind so süß und ich liebe evoli's evolutionen (und evoli selbst) auch total *__*
    aw, wobei meine lieblinge flamara und aquana bleiben XD <3
    hide plüschi find ich auch ganz hinreißend, wundert mich dass man den dort kaufen konnte ö.ö
    generell zuckersüßes outfit und dein freund guckt wohl genauso grimmig wie meiner auf allen fotos XD haha sehr sympatisch!

    1. haha, ok dann liegt das wohl nicht nur an meinem x'D
      das hide-plüschi war auch irgendwie das einzige was sie hatten.. aber meine mama ist überglücklich darüber x3

  2. Wow~ die Sachen sind ja alles toll!
    Mir gefallen die Pluschies besonders XD Und der Haarclip is so niedlich :)

    Die Frau auf dem Bild ist deine Mutter? Sie sieht echt cool aus^.^
    Scheint ja ein riesen Spass gewesen zu sein. Freut mich :D

    LG, Jade

    1. danke ^.^
      das auf dem foto ist meine freundin, meine mama hat das foto gemacht ^.^ die möchte nicht auf fotos, weil sie irgendwie das talent hat auf jedem die augen zu zu haben oder gerade was sagen wollte x'D

    2. Oh ~~ sorry >< Das war mein missverstaendinis *blush*

    3. ach, das macht doch nichts, hätte ich ja auch hinschreiben können ^.^

    4. Und ich hab mich schon gewundert, weil sie ja doch jung aussieht ^^;

  3. Ohh you found some gorgeous things <3 must have been an amazing convention! ^___^ *jealllouus*

  4. Du hast ein paar shcöne Bilder machen können ^_^
    Den Ace hab ich auch gesehen *____*

    Schöne Sachen hast du da kaufen können.
    Ich hab mich da eher mehr auf Poster beschränkt XD

  5. total süß

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